Skin care is more than cosmetics
« The skin is our largest organ.It is 1.5 to 2 square meters in size, but only a few millimeters thick and weighs10 - 20 kg. On every square centimeter of the skinthere are approx. 20 sebumglands, 100 sweat glands »
The skin is our largest organ.It is 1.5 to 2 square meters in size, but only a few millimeters thick and weighs10 - 20 kg. On every square centimeter of the skinthere are approx. 20 sebumglands, 100 sweat glands,
4 m nerves, 1 m bloodvessel, 5 hairs on average,roughly 5000 sensory organsand millions of cells.
The skin is an active tissuewith vital functions.
It is the contact point withthe environment and istherefore exposed to a
large number of positive aswell as negative influences.Only healthy skin canperform its function andwithstand constant stress.
That’s why skin care is morethan cosmetics. Skin carecan keep the skin healthy,strengthen its power ofresistance and maintainits attractive appearance.Because only healthy skinis beautiful.
Our skin has a special feature:its surface is slightlyacidic. On average the pHvalue of the skin is 5.5.
The slightly acidic pH valueof the surface of the skinwards off pathogens thatcause disease.The balance of the ecosystemof the surface ofour skin promotes harmlessmicro-organisms well-adaptedto humans which arefound in thousands onevery square centimeterof the skin.
Harmful bacteria and fungido not tolerate the acidicpH value and are displacedby normal micro-organisms.
In addition, the acidicpH value also stabilizes theskin’s function as a barrier.It ensures that lost fat inthe horny layer is replenished
quickly throughreproduction.Another effect of the pHvalue of 5.5 is that the lipidsin the horny layer retaintheir labyrinthine structure.
This prevents water lossfrom the inside and penetrationof pollutants or irritantsfrom the outside. Thusthe skin’s acid mantle performsan important protectivefunction.
The pH value shows whether a liquid is acidic,neutral or a base (alkaline). The pH scaleranges from 0 to 14. The neutral point is 7.Values over this point denote bases, valuesunder these point acids. The further the valueis away from 7, the stronger is the acid or base.
Medicinal skin care with apH value of 5.5
Skin care is more thancosmetics because it notonly maintains or improves
the beautiful appearanceof the skin but also supportsand reinforces the protectivefunctions of the skin.